Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia,
Department of Pioneering Asian Studies
University of Tokyo
International application is invited for the position of associate professor, to be based in the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo.
Description: The successful candidate will belong to the Department of Pioneering Asian Studies, to be newly created from 1 April 2011, the aim of which is to develop new perspectives in the field of Asian Studies through challenging and innovative approaches. Depending on the experience of the successful candidate, he/she may teach his/her own research topic in related faculties and graduate schools. Proficiency in Japanese language is not required, but will be welcome.
Qualifications: The applicant should possess a doctoral degree (PhD) or equivalent.
Stipend and benefits: In accordance with the regulations stipulated by the University.
Expected date of appointment: 1 April 2011 or by negotiation
Term of office: Five years (with no possibility of extension)
Documents for application:
1. A Curriculum Vitae (please use the University of Tokyo standard resume form, which may be downloaded from http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/per01/r01_e.html)
2. A list of publication (in any format) and a copy of applicant's three most important works, if any.
3. A copy of applicant's final degree diploma.
4. An essay describing your research achievements so far (maximum 800 words in English and 4000 characters in Japanese).
5. An essay describing your research topic and your planned research program for the next five years (please specify clearly what you intend to accomplish while you are at the Institute). (Maximum 800 words in English or 4000 characters in Japanese)
Application and deadline: All applications must reach us by post (registered mail) at the following address by Friday January 28, 2011. E-mail applications cannot be considered.
Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (Toyo-Bunka Kenkyusho)
University of Tokyo
7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan
Selection Process: All successful candidates after the first screening will be notified of the interview date and time via e-mail. Interviews are scheduled for the beginning of March 2011. All costs, including travel and accommodation, will be fully borne by the applicant. Applicants who do not hear from us within four weeks of the application deadline should assume they have not been shortlisted.
Enquiries: e-mail only at koubo01@ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
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